As a Turkon Line family, we are a leading company in terms of marine transportation and logistics. We adopt the sustainability vision, which is based upon transition to a circular economy, in order to leave a livable planet to future generation. We aim to integrate good practices about sustainability to our business activities by awaring of our responsibility regarding Environment, Social and Governance (ESG) perspectives.
Our goal is reinforcing of our company culture by using sustainability vision while performing our activities and creating value for our stakeholders. Thanks to this substantial goal, we aim to establish and develop relationships with our customers, employees, suppliers, and other stakeholders within the scope of sustainability values and perspectives. We aim to achieve sustainability influence on our stakeholders by performing our management activities, which is supported by business ethics and responsibility awareness, in a transparent manner. We regulate our business perspective within the scope of our sustainability requirements.
This policy is relevant for our entire operations and employees. We adopt the principles within the context of our Sustainability Policy explained below.
• We analyze and calculate our carbon emissions continuously and improve innovative solutions to reduce their amount. We are always aware of low carbon fuel alternatives and energy efficient technologies. We contribute to combat climate change by reversing negative effects of our activities.
• We develop strategies about carbon reduction by adapting our international goals, and we take concrete steps to obtain sustainable operations
• We develop strategies about using renewable energy sources by focusing energy efficiency. We conduct the optimization studies to increase energy efficiency and follow the current innovations in this field.
• We improve our operational processes in line with ISO 14001 requirements. We adapt strategies to improve processes and reduce resource consumption by integrating ISO 14001 requirements.
• We focus the continuous improvement of our environmental performance within the scope of ISO 14001 standard, and we minimise the impact of our operations to marine life by reducing the waste at source. We develop strategies regarding negative impacts of our operations on biodiversity.
• We support the protection of natural habitats in coastal and marine areas.
• We are committed to take necessary measures to provide employees’ safety especially works performed in dangerous workplaces. We organize regular trainings to prevent work accidents.
• We are aware of our responsibility about employees’ health and safety. We comply with the national and international occupational health and safety standards.
Employee Training and Talent Management
• We offer opportunities for continuous trainings and stepping stones for our employees talented in various fields. We contribute to career path of our employees by improving their skills.
• We offer equal opportunities to our employees; and we aim to achieve sustainable and future-ready workforce via training programs and talent development strategies.
• We are committed to respect human rights and develop these rights for our business processes. We encourage diversity in the workforce and we pay attention to provide fair working conditions.
• We take up seriously zero tolerance principle concerning forced and child labor.
• We aim to establish long term cooperation and sustainable collaboration with suppliers to make our supply chain management sustainable, encourage fair working conditions, reduce the environmental impact, and respond the customer demands in the best way possible.
• We encourage ethical value based business practices and take up seriously zero tolerance principle for corruption and bribery. We stick to the ethical values in our business activities to protect company reputation.
• We comply with the legislative regulations while perfoming our business activities.
• As a Turkon Line family, we perform our sustainability studies in a transparent manner and fulfill the responsibilities based on ESG (Environment, Social, Governance) perspective by prioritizing the sustainable strategy and improve our processes by complying with this policy. We aim to fulfill our responsibilities and take important steps for our common future by working with our stakeholders in the value chain cooperatively.
As a Turkon Line family, we set up a Sustainability Committee and accordingly study groups performed with this Committee about ESG (Environment, Social, Governance) and Sustainability topics to make sustainability management effective.
Our committee is responsible for the development, implementation, annual review, approval and review of Sustainability Policy when needed. Sustainability Study Groups are responsible for giving support to the improvement of sustainability performance of our company.
Sustinability Committee coordinates the sustainability practices by covering our all operational processes and employees. Sustainability Study Groups and our employees move in line with the committee directives to follow and implement the guidelines mentioned in the policy.